Friday, November 30, 2007

Rotoscope #1

this is my first attempt at "rotoscoping" as they say.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Acryllic Robot

I grabbed this guy half finished from my closet, dusted off the year old dust... and threw down, with lovely help from Jen, I am pleased with the outcome.

I havent named him yet... but sure I will find a name once I find a place to hang him!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

h.e. loves Jesse Tessier

This is a clip of Jesse on his birthday skating a spot in Toronto...

I promise soon ill put something up that isnt skating...

Friday, November 2, 2007


Today, team "FLIM WINDSOR" (no spelling error here) embarks on a journey into world of shoot to edit. Yes that is right, today at 7pm the 48 Hour Flick Fest commences.
We will have my vx and slr readily available for behind the scenes stuff. Which I am sure during post we will be uploading photos and maybe clips here.

Side note: We have 'fanagled' food sponsorships for our project, keeping our minds open and stomachs full.

I hope to be uploading photos of our journey soon.
Keep an eye out over the next, lets say...12 hours.

Until then...peace
Eric Boucher.